Merry Christmas - Frohe Weihnachten - Joyeux Noel

"If I could give you just one wish
This christmas it would have to be
For a world of peace and love
A world free of conflict
A world with no suffering
A world of goodwill and cheer
At this special time of year
Please accept this token
Of my love
A gift from me to you
So have a merry christmas
And I wish you the very best
In the coming new year."
Merry Christmas and a Happy new year from New Zealand.
Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr aus Neuseeland.
Joyeux Noel et une bonne annee de Nouvelle-Zelande.
In den naechsten Tagen werde ich meinen etwas vernachlaessigten Bericht wieder etwas erweitern (oder besser nachtragen).
In the next few days I will post some new (or rather old) stories to this slightly deserted blog again.
bengt - 25. Dez, 14:16
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